Associated with the deep sea is a sense of the foreign, of uneasiness, of the darkly mysterious. Five artists have visualised man’s fear of the unknown, of the black abyss and the fabulous and mythical waters and creatures in highly empathetic, poetic and adventurous ways. In the exhibition booths of the museum’s glass passage the legendary inhabitants of the dark and unknown depths appear at the surface, rendering their alien living environment tangible in a variety of ways. A sea of dancing jellyfish is contrasted with a fragile-seeming medusa that seems to hover weightlessly in space and with a severed pulpo whose missing body lets the imagination run free. Even an octopus may rise from the depths of the sea on a journey to see the light of world above.
Artists: Dorothy Cross (Ireland), Lars Siltberg (Sweden), SHIMABUKU(Japan/Germany), Tue Greenfort (Denmark), David Zink Yi (Peru/Germany).